Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Goals

I've been meaning to jot down a list of things I want to accomplish this summer, and I thought what better what to do it than to tell other people who can help to hold me accountable?  So here is my To-Do List for the summer (in no particular order):

1.  Decorate and transition Logan to his big boy bedroom.  Prepare the nursery for the new baby, who has yet to be named (maybe this should be a goal, too?).
2.  Organize all of my photos on the computer by date and holiday.  Upload pictures to Shutterfly and videos to YouTube.
3.  De-clutter the entire house (we did this last year when we put our house on the market, but we have managed to accumulate just as much new clutter as what we packed away last April).
4.  Clean out my closet and make some space for Todd's clothes so Todd can clean out his closet and we can give Logan some space in his new closet.

I'm keeping it simple and trying not to make my list unattainable.  So there you have it - but really my #1 goal for the summer is to enjoy every minute that I can with Logan since I know these will be our last days with just him!


Sarah said...

1. I vote James Joseph. Because I know Joseph is for sure and I think James would be awesome.

2. Upload Picassa - it will organize everything by date for you! Automatically!

Sarah said...

Um, download Picassa - duh.

Then you can probably download a button for Picassa that will send your pictures straight to Shutterfly. (they have one for dotphoto, so I assume they'd have one for shutterfly too!)