Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big boy bed, here we come!

I've been planning to transition Logan to his "big boy" room this summer.  I knew I didn't want two cribs, and because he's not the greatest sleeper, I want to make sure the whole transition to a new room, new type of bed, etc. is complete before the new baby arrives so I'm (hopefully) not waking up with two crying little ones at night.  I have mixed emotions about this whole process - I'm excited to give Logan a new room, but sad he won't need his nursery anymore.  I don't know how I feel about using his nursery for the new baby yet because I still think of it as Logan's room.  I know he's going to feel that way too.

Anyway, this weekend we ventured to the lake for the first time this summer.  I was very stressed about this trip because Logan never slept well there last year.  He slept in a pack-n-play in my in-laws' bedroom (not enough space for it in our room) and woke up several times each night, usually ending up in bed with us.  I rarely felt like I got any rest at the lake and dreaded making the trip more often than not because of our sleeping issues.  This year we decided to just say "screw it" and let Logan sleep with us, hopefully avoiding the middle of the night wakings and cryings.  This was Logan's first experience sleeping in an actual "big boy" bed for naptime, and I was curious about how he would do on his own.  I was pleasantly surprised!  He took great naps and slept really well both nights!  He was a little apprehensive at first and uneasy when first waking up because I'm sure he didn't really know where he was.  We had to lay down with him to get him to fall asleep, but then we could get back up and leave him sleeping in there alone.  We would put him on my side of the bed by the wall so he didn't fall out of bed, and when he woke up, he'd just sit up and cry a little until we went in to get him.  But by Sunday's nap, he was a pro.  In fact, when I went in to check on him toward the end of his nap, I found him on his way out the door, rested and ready to play!  And now he has discovered that he likes sleeping with covers on - tonight he even asked me to cover him up with a blanket when I put him to bed!  He's growing up so fast!

At this point, I'm wondering if the transition to his new room is going to be a little bit easier than I originally thought.  I know being at home and moving to a new room is pretty different from sleeping somewhere else in a different room, but only time will tell how my little man will adjust.

As for his room, I knew I didn't want a themed room because I want him to be able to keep the same bedding for a while without getting tired of the theme or growing out of it.  I'm finding that it is almost impossible to find kids' bedding that is not themed.  I've looked mostly online, and I want something that is brightly colored, probably striped, that doesn't look babyish but doesn't look like a teenager's bed either.  We'll be getting him a full-sized bed so it can double as our guest bed, so I thought it would be pretty easy to find something, but I'm having a pretty hard time finding what I like (that we can actually afford).  I've found exactly one bedding set that I even sort of like (see it here) - it's got a subtle sports theme, but it's really just a set of sheets and a pillow that we can get rid of later if we get tired of the theme.  Plus, boys like sports even when they're older.  I haven't ordered it yet because I'm waiting to start on his room until after we get back from Hilton Head next week and I'm not working anymore.  I'm getting really excited, and I can't wait to post pictures when it's finished.  Hang in there, though, it's going to be a long process!

Update:  When I went to the Macy's website to link the picture of the bedding, I found out it was on super sale with a free shipping promo!  I went ahead and ordered it, and saved $130.00!  I'm so excited - the big boy room is officially in the works!

1 comment:

Ky • said...

Saved $130 dollars?! AMAZING!!!

What will be the age difference between your two babies?