Monday, June 21, 2010

Long Overdue

Here are some pictures from Memorial Day weekend.  We spent the entire weekend at the lake in Michigan, our first time there this year.  Logan had a blast, and it was very relaxing for both Todd and I.  Trips to the lake this year are proving to be much less stressful than last, as we are letting Logan sleep in our bed, either alone for naps or with us at night.  This is a MUCH easier arrangement than the Pack-n-Play that he HATED last summer.  And even though I'm totally not into co-sleeping, this seems to be the best arrangement for the time being since we are limited on space at the cottage.  Logan seems to understand that it only happens when we are there, and that he doesn't get to sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed at home, so I'd say that counts as a success!

Relaxing on the boat

Papa even lets him drive!

A little unsure about the water at this point

Anyone need another beer?

Chug!  Chug!  Chug!


Playing beanbags with Daddy at Mya and Stella's birthday party

A little quality time with Jax and Emmy - look at Jax's outfit and then pay attention to Logan's in the next few pictures!

Back at the lake - more beanbags

Shooting some hoops - one of my favorite action shots of Logan

Cousins Lilly and Liam with Logan


My current favorite picture of my little goofball

Another boat ride - so serious!

View of Silver Lake from the front of the boat

Todd on the jet ski

Relaxing with Uncle Troy and Stacy

Check out the intensity on his face.  This kid means business!


Sarah said...

The monkey outfits! VERY cute!

Did they get a new boat? Looks awesome!

Such fun times! Logan will remember them forever.

Anonymous said...

I love your current favorite pic too. That is so CUTE!

Kelly Lynn said...

Lovin' the chug, chug pic. He's going to drink himself right off that chair!