Thursday, July 21, 2011

Photo Dump

I'm trying to keep up with my vow to post at least once a week, but since this week has been so hot we're really not up to anything exciting.  The theme of the week has been SWIMMING!  No pictures to post from the pool, since most days I'm in too, but I thought I'd just post some randoms that I've taken since my last post.  Enjoy!

Crazy (loud) baby

This was the view from my porch one night last week.  Made my heart (and my face) smile!

Last summer Todd and I both bought bikes.  I didn't do any riding last year because I was quite pregnant, but I've been anxious to use my bike.  We finally have helmets for both boys, so this week we hooked the bike trailer up to my bike and off we went.  It was a bit hot, and both boys were sweating like CRAZY with the helmets on, crammed together inside the trailer, so we only rode for a short while each day.  Here are the boys before our first ride.

It's been a long time since I've taken bath pictures.

Love these little butts!

This was the first day that Brayden figured out how to walk pushing these cars.  We were so excited.  Logan kept yelling, "Look, Mommy, Brayden's walking!"  Now Brayden can't get enough, and Logan takes him "skiing" behind the cars (Logan rides and pulls Brayden along while he walks) - it's adorable!

I'm not sure why, but this cracks me up every time Logan does it.  He attaches the string from the helicopter to the seat of the bus and pulls it along behind him.  It's pretty creative thinking if you ask me.

Our own Team Umizoomi measuring lesson, courtesy of Brayden!

Here I was trying to get a decent smile out of him. 

After three tries I gave up.  This is about the best "smile" I can get out of him lately.

More walking!  We're hoping for some independent steps sooner than later!

I caught him mid-"bbrrrmm" - love the lips!
 ...And a video - Logan playing guitar and Brayden busting some moves!


Kelly Lynn said...

Brayden sure is a blondie, huh? Very cute boys. Hope you're having a great summer.

Casey Rethman said...

Ohhhh Amy they are so cute! I love all the pics and I love that you are posting at least once a week! :) Keep it up!