Thursday, June 16, 2011

Swimming Lessons

This week we have been attending the "Splash!" program at the Y.  They offer a week of free swimming lessons for kids starting at 6 months old.  I had tried to sign Logan up last summer but didn't call early enough, so I made sure as soon as I saw the flier at school I called and signed up both boys this year.  Luckily they are in the same class, and the lessons just happened to be the week that Todd is on vacation so he was able to come with us.  Because the kids are so little, we have to get in the water with them, but I really think it's kind of fun.  I know the boys are having a blast, especially Logan!  Each day we practice kicking and moving their arms, blowing bubbles, floating on their bellies and backs, and jumping in.  We sing songs and play games like the Hokey Pokey and Simon Says.  Brayden is a champion floater - I'm convinced if I let go he would stay on top of the water.  Logan's favorite part is definitely the jumping in.  We've even gotten him to go underwater several times.  Before the lessons this week, he HATED getting his face wet, even in the bathtub.  He would freak as soon as it got wet and scramble for a towel or washcloth to wipe it off.  Now he's holding his breath, going under, and even jumping in and going under!  He loves it!  I'm so glad we got to do it with them, and I'm already planning to sign them up again next summer.

Tuesday was Nana's day off from work, so she met us there to watch and snapped a few pictures for us!

 (This one is my favorite!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!

Hey, I'm sorry - I totally forgot to remind you about Plane Fun at Metcalf Airport this year. It was this last weekend (we didn't go) and I realized you'd asked me to remind you when I passed the sign on 795. Hope you're enjoying summer break!