Saturday, September 18, 2010

Loganese Volume #4

1.  (July) - We are eating breakfast at the lake.  Logan keeps "tooting," and we're trying to teach him to say "excuse me."  So after he toots, I ask him, "What do you say?" and he says, "Go Blue!"
2.  (July) - I'm carrying Logan's breakfast to the table so he can eat.  He shouts, "MOVE!  Mama coming!"
3.  (July) - We're eating breakfast, and I hear Logan say a word that sounds like "dirtball."  I'm thinking there's no way that's what he said, but have a sneaking suspicion it is.  I ask him what he said, and he says, "Daddy dirtball."  When I confirm (again) by asking if he said Daddy is a dirtball, he happily nods his head and repeats, "Daddy dirtball!"
4.  (July) - Logan is playing with his fire hat that he got from the Rossford FD pancake breakfast.  It's gotten cracked from him stepping on it, so the string that is supposed to go under his chin has become detached from one side.  He asks me to fix it, but I tell him I can't.  So Logan tells me that it needs new batteries.
5.  (July) - Lately we've been talking about how food goes in your belly when you eat it.  Logan is eating Cheerios and says they are going "down down belly," which I confirm.  He asks if he can see the Cheerios and I say no because they are inside his belly.  So he points to his belly button, and asks if the Cheerios are in there.  I laugh and tell him not in his belly button, so he decides to put a Cheerio in his belly button so he can see it in his belly!
6.  (July) - Logan is awake in the morning.  I hear him talking to himself in his crib, but I'm laying in bed for a few more minutes.  Suddenly I hear him yell from his room, "WAKE UP!"
7.  (July) - Logan is chasing Sophie (the cat) around the house.  He comes back into the family room where I am and asks me where Sophie went ("Sophie go?").  I tell him, "I don't know.  Where did Sophie go?"  Logan tells me she is pooping.
8.  (July) - At the All Saints Festival.  Todd is walking around with Logan and tells him he's going to get a beer. Logan asks, "Bubba beer too?"
9.  (Aug.) - Logan is scooting around on the kitchen floor on his belly.  When I ask him what he's doing, he tells me he is swimming!
10.  (Aug.) - Logan is in the bathtub...ahem... exploring his boy region.  When I ask him what he's doing, he says "Take apart pee pee."  Hmm...not sure about that one...
11.  (Sept.) - I have Brayden and Logan laying side by side on the floor because I'm changing both of their diapers.  Brayden is crying and Logan looks at him and says, "Stop crying please!" (I love that he said please!).  Brayden continues crying, and when I look back at Logan he's staring at Brayden with his fingers in his ears!!

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