Thursday, August 12, 2010

60 YEARS!?!

Today marks my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary.  I can't imagine being alive that long, much less being married to the love of my life for that many years!  My grandparents are the sweetest, most in love people I have ever met and they are truly an inspiration in the relationship department.

I love the story behind their wedding date...My grandpa wasn't allowed to get married until he was 21 years old.  They got married on August 12 because he turned 21 on August 11th.  They just couldn't wait.  So cute!

Happy 60th anniversary Grandma and Dadad!
I hope we all have a chance to experience what you have.

1 comment:

Casey Rethman said...

60 Years!!!!! That is amazing! Congratulations to your grandparents!