Monday, April 19, 2010

Loganese Volume #2

It is really hard for me to resist the urge to post one of these lists every time Logan says something funny, because usually I laugh so hard I can't wait to tell everyone about it.  My little man has acquired a fascination with anything pee and poop related, so I apologize, but many of these center around that inappropriate but funny topic.

1.  (March) - Logan hands me Todd's phone cover and can of chew.  He tells me "thank you."
2.  (March) - We are watching Friends.  It's the episode where everyone finds out Rachel is pregnant.  Joey thinks it's Phoebe first, so he gives her this whole speech about being a single mom and then proposes to her.  When they figure out it's Rachel that's pregnant, Joey gives her the same speech and proposes to her too.  Rachel says, "What?!"  Then Monica says, "What?!"  Then Phoebe says, "What?!"  Then I hear Logan say, "What?!"
3.  (March) - Same night, this time watching Grey's Anatomy reruns.  Derek says, "Hey."  Meredith says, "Hey."  Logan says, "Hi!"
4.  (March) - Another TV related quote.  I am picking up blocks with my back to the TV.  Logan points at the TV and says, "Kia."  I turn around and look at the TV, and sure enough it's a Kia commercial!
5.  (April) - Logan dumped about half of his container of 100 cookie cutters (which are awesome by the way, and you can get them at Bed Bath and Beyond for only $9.99) onto the kitchen floor.  I asked who made the mess, and he replied "Bubba," which is one of his nicknames and what he calls himself.  When I asked who was going to clean up the mess, of course he said, "MAMA!"
6.  (April) - I am using the bathroom, and Logan barges in as usual.  He seems to be searching for something in my underwear as I'm sitting there, so I ask him what he's looking for.  His answer?  "Poop."  I had to explain that mommies don't poop in their underwear, but in the potty instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha - love it!