Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Loganese Volume #1

I'm starting a journal of all the funny things Logan says and will say in the years to come.  I got the idea from a friend who keeps track of her son's funny sayings and posts them on her blog as well.  Todd and I have always referred to Logan's "language" as "Loganese," so I think I'll keep that title.  I only have a few so far, but I'm so excited about them that I'm going to go ahead and share.  In general, I didn't think I would be starting this quite so soon because Logan generally only says one word at a time at this point.  But he's had a few moments of one-word responses that had me cracking up, so here they are.

1. (January) - I've already posted about this one, but it's the first one in my journal.  While I was getting dressed one morning, Logan pointed to my bare chest and yelled "BALL!"
2. (February) - Again, referring to my chest.  This time I was giving Logan a bath wearing only a tank top. I leaned over the tub to wash him, and he pointed to my chest and said "boob."  I said, "Where did you learn that word?" and he replied, "Dada."
3. (February) - I asked Logan what he wanted for breakfast and he enthusiastically replied, "Bean beans!" (green beans)
4. (February) - Logan was eating lunch.  He had turkey, strawberries, and cucumbers, but was insisting that something was "hot."  I asked him what was hot, and he replied, "Mama."  Smart kid!
5. (February) - This was the first time I've ever heard Logan put two words together.  He found a random Cheerio that he had dropped on the family room floor that morning, picked it up, and shouted, "Chee-o BABY!"
6. (March) - Similar to the prior episode.  Logan was playing with one of his many footballs.  He picked it up and said, "Touchdown baby!"  He's on his way to being the next Dick Vitale!


Casey Rethman said...

I love #2! That cracks me up!

Kelly Lynn said...

I love them ALL, hot mama! :)

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

I LOVE the, "hot mama".

What a GREAT journal idea. Too cute.