Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ah, success!

It took a french fry, but I have taught my child to say "please!"  I've been randomly asking Logan to say "please" when he wants something lately and making sure I say it enough myself in the hopes of instilling some politeness in my first born.  Sometimes he will say it when I ask, but most of the time he doesn't.  Today I took Logan with me to run and pick up dinner.  On the way home he kept asking for a fry.  After the third or fourth fry, I told him to say "please," and he did.  So the next time he asked for a fry, I told him he had to wait until we got home to have anymore.  His reply?  A very sweet, sincere "please" (which really sounds more like "pee").  I caved!  I was so excited that he said "please" without my asking that I, of course, had to give him another fry!  Whatever it takes, right?

PS - When Logan gets fries, which is rarely, he only gets a few at a time.  I am NOT a fast-food parent!

1 comment:

Ky • said...

I think that "please" deserved a fry. :)

How cute.