This is what I did (last night and) today...
1. Went to bed at 10:30. Got up SEVEN times with sick and/or hungry kids.
2. Got up at 6:30 this morning with Brayden. Nursed him.
3. Got dressed. Got both kids dressed.
4. Gave Logan breakfast.
5. Ate breakfast.
6. Swept the kitchen floor.
7. Vacuumed the family room floor.
8. Put Brayden down for a nap.
9. Changed Logan's poopy diaper.
10. Put together my new carpet cleaner.
11. Changed Brayden's poopy diaper.
12. Nursed Brayden.
13. Did three loads of laundry.
14. Washed dishes.
15. Put Logan down for a nap.
16. Change Brayden's poopy diaper.
17. Put Brayden down for a nap.
18. Ate lunch.
19. Worked on lesson plans.
20. Gave Logan lunch.
21. Washed more dishes.
22. Nursed Brayden.
23. Changed two kids' diapers.
24. Put two kids' car seats in Todd's new car.
25. Got two kids dressed and ready to run errands.
26. Went with Todd and the kids to return his old car. Went to Best Buy with Todd and the kids.
27. Did another load of laundry.
28. Nursed Brayden.
29. Changed two kids' diapers.
30. Got dinner ready for Logan.
31. Ate dinner.
32. Made sure Logan finished eating his dinner.
33. Gave Brayden his cereal.
34. Cleaned up from dinner.
35. Gave Brayden a bath.
36. Gave Logan a bath.
37. Nursed Brayden. Put him to bed.
38. Put Logan to bed.
39. Showered.
40. Finished cleaning up Logan's toys.
41. Graded papers.
42. Went to bed - hopefully by 10:00.
This is what Todd did (last night and) today...
1. Went to bed at 9:00. Got up twice with Logan (after I had already been up with him).
2. Got up around 4. Showered.
3. Went to a Detroit casino with some guys from work.
4. Came home. Ate lunch.
5. Went to his parents' house to talk to his dad about his winnings at the casino.
6. Cleaned out his old car.
7. Laid on the couch and watched TV.
8. Went with the kids and me to return his old car. Went to Best Buy with us.
9. Laid on the couch, watched TV, and played on the computer.
10. Went to get us dinner.
11. Ate dinner.
12. Laid on the couch, watched TV, and played on the computer.
13. Helped Logan clean up his toys.
14. Went to bed at 8:00. Poor baby didn't get a nap today :(
Call me crazy but I don't think these two days are even CLOSE to being comparable. I believe my exhaustion and resulting bitchiness today were completely justified.