Monday, March 29, 2010
Melt My Heart Moment of the Day
Tonight as I was putting a sick little Logan to bed, he asked me to sing him a song. Well, not so much asked, but he said the word "baby" as we were rocking in his chair, which I know to mean "Will you please sing 'Rock-a-bye, Baby?'" So I sang it to him and then he requested "beep," which means the horn verse from "The Wheels on the Bus." I sang this to him as well, and when I finished he looked up at me with his sweet little blue eyes and said, "Thank you!" And so my heart has melted...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Monkey Jump!
Today we took Logan to Monkey Jump for the first time. HE HAD A BLAST! I've never seen my little boy so excited! He was a little hesitant at first, but once he figured out what he was supposed to do, he was all about it. He even enjoyed interacting with other kids, and I think it helped that they were able to show him how the different parts of each inflatable worked. He was the littlest one there, but I think he was having the most fun. And Todd and I definitely got a workout chasing him around, but I think out of all the parents we had the most fun too! We will definitely be going back, though I suggested that next time we bring one of Todd's cousins who are several years older than Logan so that they can help him up the ladders to the slides and show him how everything works (since parents aren't allowed on any of the inflatables).
Shooting some hoops in the munchkin area
Big kid hoops area
Rainforest munchkin area
More big kid play
Whoa - toppling over!
Think I can make it?
Testing out the slide - still a little unsure
Daddy finally threw him down the slide - I know his arm looks broken, but I promise he was fine!
Figuring out the slide on his own
Up the ladder
And down the slide
In the big kid area - the only picture I took because of the nets
I still can't figure out why I can't post videos anymore, so for now you'll have to click here to see them on YouTube instead.
St. Patrick's Day
Look how much my favorite little man has changed!
St. Patty's Day 2009
St. Patty's Day 2010 - our first wagon ride!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I've been really lazy about uploading pictures from my camera to my computer lately. Here are a few random pictures from the last month or so that I finally got around to posting!
Bad hair day!
YOU are such a mean mommy!
I showed Logan how to take my picture. Let's ignore his obvious talent and focus instead on how gorgeous I look. I know you are all jealous!

Video Issues...NO FEAR
I can't figure out why the little icon to add a video has disappeared from my posting screen, and it's making me crazy! I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to add a video to my blog now without simply posting a link.
So, anyway, until I figure out the issue, here you have little daredevil in action!
So, anyway, until I figure out the issue, here you have little daredevil in action!
Grab Your Balls...We're Going Bowling!
This weekend was the annual McMahon-organized bowling tournament that Todd and I have participated in for the past three or four years. I'm really not sure what the purpose of this tournament is. As far as I know it doesn't really raise money for anything, but we do it anyway because it's fun and because a lot of our friends participate too. It was a great time, as always. It was a Nine-Is-Fine tournament, which means that anytime you knock down nine pins it counts as a strike. Even with the modified rules, Todd didn't bowl so well. I had two pretty good games and one not-so-good game. But we are both sore today. Boy, you know you're really out of shape when you're sore from bowling!
Todd's mom was in charge of Logan for the afternoon, and she brought him up to watch for a little while. He went back and forth between sitting in amazement and wanting to run around the entire bowling alley with no boundaries. But we had fun with him there anyway. I have no pictures of the actual bowling, but I did take a few of Logan (of course).
Mesmerized by the bowlers
Who doesn't love a good pretzel?
NASCAR, here I come!
Are any of these balls light enough for me?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Would You Please Just Pay Attention To Me?!
Here's a funny Logan story for you:
Yesterday morning I was getting ready for work, and Todd had laid down in our bed to try to get some rest before I left. Logan was running around upstairs and found Todd's cell phone case. He ran into our bedroom holding it out, shouting, "Dada!" and trying to give it to a sleeping Todd. Todd paid no attention to him, so Logan kept shouting, "Dada!" and "Daddy!" over and over again trying to get his attention. Unsuccessful, he decided to try another route, so a few seconds later I heard Logan shouting, "Todd! Todd!" That alone made me crack up, but then a few seconds later, still unsuccessful, Logan decided to try the last name he knew for his daddy, and I heard him shout, "Honey!" That didn't work either - Todd continued to ignore him, trying to get just a few more minutes rest, but I couldn't help but point out to Todd that Logan had just tried using every single name he knew for him. Too funny!
Yesterday morning I was getting ready for work, and Todd had laid down in our bed to try to get some rest before I left. Logan was running around upstairs and found Todd's cell phone case. He ran into our bedroom holding it out, shouting, "Dada!" and trying to give it to a sleeping Todd. Todd paid no attention to him, so Logan kept shouting, "Dada!" and "Daddy!" over and over again trying to get his attention. Unsuccessful, he decided to try another route, so a few seconds later I heard Logan shouting, "Todd! Todd!" That alone made me crack up, but then a few seconds later, still unsuccessful, Logan decided to try the last name he knew for his daddy, and I heard him shout, "Honey!" That didn't work either - Todd continued to ignore him, trying to get just a few more minutes rest, but I couldn't help but point out to Todd that Logan had just tried using every single name he knew for him. Too funny!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Ah, success!
It took a french fry, but I have taught my child to say "please!" I've been randomly asking Logan to say "please" when he wants something lately and making sure I say it enough myself in the hopes of instilling some politeness in my first born. Sometimes he will say it when I ask, but most of the time he doesn't. Today I took Logan with me to run and pick up dinner. On the way home he kept asking for a fry. After the third or fourth fry, I told him to say "please," and he did. So the next time he asked for a fry, I told him he had to wait until we got home to have anymore. His reply? A very sweet, sincere "please" (which really sounds more like "pee"). I caved! I was so excited that he said "please" without my asking that I, of course, had to give him another fry! Whatever it takes, right?
PS - When Logan gets fries, which is rarely, he only gets a few at a time. I am NOT a fast-food parent!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Loganese Volume #1
I'm starting a journal of all the funny things Logan says and will say in the years to come. I got the idea from a friend who keeps track of her son's funny sayings and posts them on her blog as well. Todd and I have always referred to Logan's "language" as "Loganese," so I think I'll keep that title. I only have a few so far, but I'm so excited about them that I'm going to go ahead and share. In general, I didn't think I would be starting this quite so soon because Logan generally only says one word at a time at this point. But he's had a few moments of one-word responses that had me cracking up, so here they are.
1. (January) - I've already posted about this one, but it's the first one in my journal. While I was getting dressed one morning, Logan pointed to my bare chest and yelled "BALL!"
2. (February) - Again, referring to my chest. This time I was giving Logan a bath wearing only a tank top. I leaned over the tub to wash him, and he pointed to my chest and said "boob." I said, "Where did you learn that word?" and he replied, "Dada."
3. (February) - I asked Logan what he wanted for breakfast and he enthusiastically replied, "Bean beans!" (green beans)
4. (February) - Logan was eating lunch. He had turkey, strawberries, and cucumbers, but was insisting that something was "hot." I asked him what was hot, and he replied, "Mama." Smart kid!
5. (February) - This was the first time I've ever heard Logan put two words together. He found a random Cheerio that he had dropped on the family room floor that morning, picked it up, and shouted, "Chee-o BABY!"
6. (March) - Similar to the prior episode. Logan was playing with one of his many footballs. He picked it up and said, "Touchdown baby!" He's on his way to being the next Dick Vitale!
1. (January) - I've already posted about this one, but it's the first one in my journal. While I was getting dressed one morning, Logan pointed to my bare chest and yelled "BALL!"
2. (February) - Again, referring to my chest. This time I was giving Logan a bath wearing only a tank top. I leaned over the tub to wash him, and he pointed to my chest and said "boob." I said, "Where did you learn that word?" and he replied, "Dada."
3. (February) - I asked Logan what he wanted for breakfast and he enthusiastically replied, "Bean beans!" (green beans)
4. (February) - Logan was eating lunch. He had turkey, strawberries, and cucumbers, but was insisting that something was "hot." I asked him what was hot, and he replied, "Mama." Smart kid!
5. (February) - This was the first time I've ever heard Logan put two words together. He found a random Cheerio that he had dropped on the family room floor that morning, picked it up, and shouted, "Chee-o BABY!"
6. (March) - Similar to the prior episode. Logan was playing with one of his many footballs. He picked it up and said, "Touchdown baby!" He's on his way to being the next Dick Vitale!