I've been feeling like a lazy mama for the past several weeks. I'm not blogging much, not Facebooking much, barely squeaking by with my school work, and worst of all, I'm barely taking any pictures of my rapidly growing little boy! Many of you know that this pregnancy has not been anything like my pregnancy with Logan, so for peace of mind, I'm blaming that (excuse #1). I've had the stomach flu twice now since Christmas, and in between enough nausea to make me feel like I never really got over it. (I had almost no nausea with Logan, except when I ate chicken.) Not to mention, I'm completely exhausted all...the...time. Logan is growing and changing so much lately, and I feel awful for not being able to document all of it. I feel that I can partially blame myself, but I'm also finding that the older he gets, the harder the documentation becomes (excuse #2). Anything that is picture- or video-worthy is over faster that I can SAY camera much less find it, take it out of the case, and turn it on. And Logan is WAY more interested in the camera when it comes out than he is in doing whatever he was doing before it made its appearance. Excuse #3 - we haven't done anything worth noting lately. We've been boring, probably because of my lack of motivation.
That being said, here is a random collection of photos that I've taken since Christmas. Please don't judge - I know it's sparse. I'm hoping the end of my first trimester next week will bring more energy and I'll be able to get back to normal in the picture-taking mommy department.
Trying on Daddy's stocking cap
First time on a bike at Dick's
Drew's ball pit at his first birthday party

All bundled up and ready for the snow

Taking a stroll down the street
Oops! Still trying to learn how to walk in these snow pants and boots
Trapped in the snow - thanks to Daddy!
Watching Daddy run the snow blower (or, as Logan says, the "vroom vroom!")
1 comment:
The new pics are adorable as always! It looks like he enjoyed the snow. I hope you start feeling more energized soon too! Last year I felt like I had a hangover every single morning, but unfortunately I (and you now :) could not lay around and sleep. Look at the bright side...you probably won't gain too much weight this pregnancy chasing around a toddler :o)
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