Logan is officially 10 months old today. I can NOT believe it! The first four months of his life were the slowest of mine, but the six after that have been a dream and have gone incredibly fast. He will be a year old in 2 months and that thought is unreal to me. Soon my baby won't be a baby anymore. Then what will I do? Well, at least I have the encouraging thought that so far, each month has been more fun than the last. It can only get better (until he's 2 or a teenager).
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happy Thought
Mean Mommy update:

Tonight I put Logan down the same way I did last night. Actually, that's a lie. Tonight I put Logan down even more awake than I did last night. I braced myself for the worst.
The result?
Less than 5 minutes later. And...NOT. EVEN. A. PEEP. Wahoo! Score one point for Mommy!
Sad Thought
This morning I realized that I have not parted from my "light" colored makeup all summer. Not sure what's to blame - yucky weather, pool being inaccessible for almost half the summer, or chasing my little one around all day long. No matter what the reason, I'm still pale and that's sad!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Mean Mommy
Tonight I let Logan cry himself to sleep. And it sucked.
Here's the lowdown:
Logan has become very attached to his mommy since I've been home from school this summer. We spend every waking minute together and I love it. He is growing and changing by the minute, and I cherish every second I get to spend with him. Most working moms don't get to spend their summers with their kids, so I consider myself very blessed. Anyway, I'm a softie for my baby boy and I've been letting him cuddle with me for a little while before he goes to bed at night. He typically gets a bottle, gets sleepy while drinking it, and then cuddles with his head on my shoulder for a few minutes. I let him get pretty sleepy, but not all the way asleep. I do this at nap times too, but apparently those aren't the issue because sometimes he gets up as soon as I walk out of the room and plays by himself for a while before falling asleep.
I guess tonight he just wasn't ready to go to sleep when I laid him down. I've been trying to lay him down a little sooner every night, working toward being completely awake when he goes to bed so he can fall asleep entirely on his own (yes I know he's 10 months old and yes I know we should be over this by now - we were at one point - but I LOVE my cuddle time with him). He was quiet for a few minutes tonight and I thought he was asleep, but about five minutes after I walked out of his room I heard him start crying. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it is pretty rare these days. I let him cry for about ten minutes. That's about as long as I can take it. Then, being the softie mommy that I am, I went back in his room, picked him up, and let him cuddle with me until he calmed down. When I thought he was almost asleep I laid him back in his crib...and he started screaming again. Not just crying, but full out screaming. It BROKE MY HEART. So what did I do then? I took a shower! I knew that was the only way I would be able to stay out of his room. It worked - he had stopped crying and settled himself to sleep by the time I got out, but I didn't like it. I know it doesn't hurt him to let him cry but I hate doing it. Eventually I will be glad I did it, but for now it feels like crap.
I'm a mean mommy :(
Here's the lowdown:
Logan has become very attached to his mommy since I've been home from school this summer. We spend every waking minute together and I love it. He is growing and changing by the minute, and I cherish every second I get to spend with him. Most working moms don't get to spend their summers with their kids, so I consider myself very blessed. Anyway, I'm a softie for my baby boy and I've been letting him cuddle with me for a little while before he goes to bed at night. He typically gets a bottle, gets sleepy while drinking it, and then cuddles with his head on my shoulder for a few minutes. I let him get pretty sleepy, but not all the way asleep. I do this at nap times too, but apparently those aren't the issue because sometimes he gets up as soon as I walk out of the room and plays by himself for a while before falling asleep.
I guess tonight he just wasn't ready to go to sleep when I laid him down. I've been trying to lay him down a little sooner every night, working toward being completely awake when he goes to bed so he can fall asleep entirely on his own (yes I know he's 10 months old and yes I know we should be over this by now - we were at one point - but I LOVE my cuddle time with him). He was quiet for a few minutes tonight and I thought he was asleep, but about five minutes after I walked out of his room I heard him start crying. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it is pretty rare these days. I let him cry for about ten minutes. That's about as long as I can take it. Then, being the softie mommy that I am, I went back in his room, picked him up, and let him cuddle with me until he calmed down. When I thought he was almost asleep I laid him back in his crib...and he started screaming again. Not just crying, but full out screaming. It BROKE MY HEART. So what did I do then? I took a shower! I knew that was the only way I would be able to stay out of his room. It worked - he had stopped crying and settled himself to sleep by the time I got out, but I didn't like it. I know it doesn't hurt him to let him cry but I hate doing it. Eventually I will be glad I did it, but for now it feels like crap.
I'm a mean mommy :(
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wedding Photos
Pictures from Jenn's wedding are available on my cousin's website. Click on proofs, then type in teittap_event or teittgt_event to view them. One set of pictures are the ones my cousin took and the others are her associate's. Both sets are beautiful!
Friday, July 17, 2009
I want this house!
We went today to look at what feels like the hundredth house we've seen. Going in we knew it was going to be nice because the listing says it's been completely re-done. What we didn't expect was to COMPLETELY FALL IN LOVE. I LOVE LOVE LOVE and WANT WANT WANT this house. It's absolutely perfect and has everything we want (except a pool, which I will totally be willing to sacrifice for this house). See it here. Only two problems...
Problem #1...Our house is not sold, nor does it seem like it will be any time soon :( We've had four showings in two months and no one seemed even remotely interested. Throughout this whole process I've been saying that things will happen the way they are meant to, that we will get the house that is supposed to be ours, and that everything will eventually fall into place. I was convinced that was going to happen for us this week when we heard about a couple that wanted to come see our house but had to meet with their lender first. Well...they met with them on Tuesday and we haven't heard back. Boo!
Problem #2...This house that we LOVE LOVE LOVE and WANT WANT WANT is having an open house this Sunday. I'm convinced it will sell on Sunday and slip out from under us. If that happens, I WILL cry. We are planning to go to the open house, toward the end, and ask the listing agent a number of questions about the people that come through. I don't care if it's pathetic or not. I want this house! We are itching to put a contingency offer on it, but the sellers don't want to do that just yet because the listing is so new. My hope? They get no bites from the open house and change their minds, freeing us up to put in that contingency offer. Then, our house gets an offer in the next few weeks and everything works out! Ha, right.
If you don't mind, keep your fingers crossed for us. If you pray, please pray for us. We will gladly return the favor in the future!
Problem #1...Our house is not sold, nor does it seem like it will be any time soon :( We've had four showings in two months and no one seemed even remotely interested. Throughout this whole process I've been saying that things will happen the way they are meant to, that we will get the house that is supposed to be ours, and that everything will eventually fall into place. I was convinced that was going to happen for us this week when we heard about a couple that wanted to come see our house but had to meet with their lender first. Well...they met with them on Tuesday and we haven't heard back. Boo!
Problem #2...This house that we LOVE LOVE LOVE and WANT WANT WANT is having an open house this Sunday. I'm convinced it will sell on Sunday and slip out from under us. If that happens, I WILL cry. We are planning to go to the open house, toward the end, and ask the listing agent a number of questions about the people that come through. I don't care if it's pathetic or not. I want this house! We are itching to put a contingency offer on it, but the sellers don't want to do that just yet because the listing is so new. My hope? They get no bites from the open house and change their minds, freeing us up to put in that contingency offer. Then, our house gets an offer in the next few weeks and everything works out! Ha, right.
If you don't mind, keep your fingers crossed for us. If you pray, please pray for us. We will gladly return the favor in the future!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I (officially) HATE Babies R Us!
As a mom, aren't I supposed to love Babies R Us? Well, I don't. In fact, I downright hate the store and here's why:
Reason #1 - There are no cart corrals in the parking lot. Where am I supposed to put my cart when I'm finished with it? Since I became a mom I have made it a habit of parking near (if not next to) a cart corral at all times for easy return access. I am not one of the inconsiderate people who leaves a cart in the middle of the parking lot, so at Babies R Us I am forced to return the cart to the store. Not necessarily a huge deal UNLESS YOU HAVE A SMALL CHILD. I am physically unable to carry my 9 month-old, a diaper bag, and multiple purchases to my car all at the same time. I can't put my child in the car and then return the cart. So my option is: push the cart to my car, empty my purchases into my car, push the cart back into the store, remove my child, and return to my car. Inconvenient to say the least, which leads to reason #2.
Reason #2 - The doors to the store are in-only and out-only. Again, this is not usually a big deal for me, but when I have to return my cart to the store before I can get in my car and drive home it's a pain in the butt. Not only do I have to re-enter the store to return my cart, but I have to walk back into the actual store, around the customer service counter and all registers, go out the "out" door and THEN return to my car. I have now wasted 10 minutes of my life returning a cart, when normally all I would have to do would be to push it into the cart corral that SHOULD be conveniently located next to my car!
Reason #3 - They don't remove things from registries in a timely manner, if at all. I've had this happen to several of my friends and to myself at my own baby shower. Someone buys something, the cashier scans the registry, and the item DOESN'T COME OFF. I'm sorry, but isn't that how a registry works? The item comes off the registry when it is purchased so you don't get multiples of the same item? I received 3 baby monitors at my shower. You would think that IF for some reason the first item didn't come off the registry, maybe the 2nd purchase of the same item would take it off. It should definitely not take 3 purchases of the same item for it to come off a registry. A pain in the butt for all parties involved, which leads to reason #4 - the big one.
Reason #4 - THEIR RETURN POLICY SUCKS! It seems to me that in a store where a large percentage of purchases are gifts, a return policy would be a little more convenient. Their current policy is this: you may return an item if you have a receipt or it is an item off your registry. This policy became effective the day AFTER my shower last year, which is exactly when my problems with said policy began. My issue was that I received SEVERAL gifts that were NOT on my registry and I did NOT want from people I did NOT know (another issue altogether). Of course, receipts were not included with these gifts, and as the customer service representative in the store so sweetly suggested, I could not contact them after the shower for a copy of the receipt. So now I am stuck with about 40 sippy cups and a wipe warmer that has never been used. Today I tried to return a gate. It happens to be a wonderful gate but it is the kind that you have to bolt to the wall. Since we are trying to sell our house, I would like to avoid putting any more holes in the walls. I, of course, had no receipt. Who keeps receipts for 9 months? And how was I supposed to know that 11 months after my shower my house would be on the market and I wouldn't want this gate anymore? Soo...here's the conversation between me and the not-so-helpful customer service rep today:
Me: I have a return.
Her: Is there anything wrong with it?
Me: No, I just want one that I don't have to screw into the wall.
Her: Do you have a receipt?
Me: No, I've had this for a while but it was on my registry.
Her: Well, how old is the registry? (as she looks at my baby sitting independently in the cart - so obviously NOT 3 months old)
Me: Well, my baby is 9 months old so it's a little older than that. (I actually registered in May of last year, so the registry is over a year old)
Her: I'm sorry, we have a 90-day return policy.
Me: 90 days? In a BABY store? How was I supposed to know that I wasn't going to need this gate when my baby was 3 MONTHS OLD? (which, in fact, he wouldn't have even been born at the point that this policy asks items to be returned )
Her: (looking stumped) I'm sorry, that's our policy. You needed to return this item within 90 days of the purchase date.
Me: (getting very annoyed) This place has been nothing but a pain in my ass for returns. How do you expect people to be able to return something before 90 days if you're not even going to need to use it until your baby is 6 months old?! How are you supposed to know if you need it, like it, or can even use it at that point?
Her: I'm sorry, we have a 90-day return policy.
Me: This is ridiculous! Your store is completely un-baby-friendly. Now I'm stuck with this gate that I can't even carry around the store with me because it won't fit in my cart! (It fell off the bottom of the cart 4 times just in the parking lot on the way into the store. It wouldn't actually fit in the cart.)
Her: Would you like me to get a manager?
Me: No (as I storm off and continue to shop, even though I SO wanted to storm out of the store and NEVER go back).
I may have been a little harsh and/or dramatic, but this place really has been a pain in my ass for returns and I was having a bad day anyway.
So, I get home and read the back of my receipt with the return policy on it. Turns out that the 90-day return policy applies even if you do have a receipt and obviously, based on my experiences, if the item came off your registry. Am I wrong to think that this is completely idiotic? Some baby items aren't used within the first 90 days, and since most people register a few months before their baby is actually due, how are you supposed to know if you like something and can use it BEFORE YOUR BABY IS EVEN BORN?!
Moral of the story: ALWAYS save your Babies R Us receipts. ALWAYS give a receipt when giving a gift. Return anything you can't use within your baby's first 3 months because if you decide you don't like it later, you can't return it then. In fact, don't even register for things you can't use after your baby is 3 months old because if you decide you want to take it back, YOU CAN'T.
I so badly want to love this store because it is the only place nearby for quality baby goods (except Target, but their selection is a lot smaller and their return policy sucks too), but I can't love it. I can't even like it. I wish I never had to go there again.
And while I'm on this tangent, stores like Gymboree and Children's Place are supposed to be mom and baby friendly too, right? Then make your store big enough to fit a stroller between clothing racks! Ugh!
Reason #1 - There are no cart corrals in the parking lot. Where am I supposed to put my cart when I'm finished with it? Since I became a mom I have made it a habit of parking near (if not next to) a cart corral at all times for easy return access. I am not one of the inconsiderate people who leaves a cart in the middle of the parking lot, so at Babies R Us I am forced to return the cart to the store. Not necessarily a huge deal UNLESS YOU HAVE A SMALL CHILD. I am physically unable to carry my 9 month-old, a diaper bag, and multiple purchases to my car all at the same time. I can't put my child in the car and then return the cart. So my option is: push the cart to my car, empty my purchases into my car, push the cart back into the store, remove my child, and return to my car. Inconvenient to say the least, which leads to reason #2.
Reason #2 - The doors to the store are in-only and out-only. Again, this is not usually a big deal for me, but when I have to return my cart to the store before I can get in my car and drive home it's a pain in the butt. Not only do I have to re-enter the store to return my cart, but I have to walk back into the actual store, around the customer service counter and all registers, go out the "out" door and THEN return to my car. I have now wasted 10 minutes of my life returning a cart, when normally all I would have to do would be to push it into the cart corral that SHOULD be conveniently located next to my car!
Reason #3 - They don't remove things from registries in a timely manner, if at all. I've had this happen to several of my friends and to myself at my own baby shower. Someone buys something, the cashier scans the registry, and the item DOESN'T COME OFF. I'm sorry, but isn't that how a registry works? The item comes off the registry when it is purchased so you don't get multiples of the same item? I received 3 baby monitors at my shower. You would think that IF for some reason the first item didn't come off the registry, maybe the 2nd purchase of the same item would take it off. It should definitely not take 3 purchases of the same item for it to come off a registry. A pain in the butt for all parties involved, which leads to reason #4 - the big one.
Reason #4 - THEIR RETURN POLICY SUCKS! It seems to me that in a store where a large percentage of purchases are gifts, a return policy would be a little more convenient. Their current policy is this: you may return an item if you have a receipt or it is an item off your registry. This policy became effective the day AFTER my shower last year, which is exactly when my problems with said policy began. My issue was that I received SEVERAL gifts that were NOT on my registry and I did NOT want from people I did NOT know (another issue altogether). Of course, receipts were not included with these gifts, and as the customer service representative in the store so sweetly suggested, I could not contact them after the shower for a copy of the receipt. So now I am stuck with about 40 sippy cups and a wipe warmer that has never been used. Today I tried to return a gate. It happens to be a wonderful gate but it is the kind that you have to bolt to the wall. Since we are trying to sell our house, I would like to avoid putting any more holes in the walls. I, of course, had no receipt. Who keeps receipts for 9 months? And how was I supposed to know that 11 months after my shower my house would be on the market and I wouldn't want this gate anymore? Soo...here's the conversation between me and the not-so-helpful customer service rep today:
Me: I have a return.
Her: Is there anything wrong with it?
Me: No, I just want one that I don't have to screw into the wall.
Her: Do you have a receipt?
Me: No, I've had this for a while but it was on my registry.
Her: Well, how old is the registry? (as she looks at my baby sitting independently in the cart - so obviously NOT 3 months old)
Me: Well, my baby is 9 months old so it's a little older than that. (I actually registered in May of last year, so the registry is over a year old)
Her: I'm sorry, we have a 90-day return policy.
Me: 90 days? In a BABY store? How was I supposed to know that I wasn't going to need this gate when my baby was 3 MONTHS OLD? (which, in fact, he wouldn't have even been born at the point that this policy asks items to be returned )
Her: (looking stumped) I'm sorry, that's our policy. You needed to return this item within 90 days of the purchase date.
Me: (getting very annoyed) This place has been nothing but a pain in my ass for returns. How do you expect people to be able to return something before 90 days if you're not even going to need to use it until your baby is 6 months old?! How are you supposed to know if you need it, like it, or can even use it at that point?
Her: I'm sorry, we have a 90-day return policy.
Me: This is ridiculous! Your store is completely un-baby-friendly. Now I'm stuck with this gate that I can't even carry around the store with me because it won't fit in my cart! (It fell off the bottom of the cart 4 times just in the parking lot on the way into the store. It wouldn't actually fit in the cart.)
Her: Would you like me to get a manager?
Me: No (as I storm off and continue to shop, even though I SO wanted to storm out of the store and NEVER go back).
I may have been a little harsh and/or dramatic, but this place really has been a pain in my ass for returns and I was having a bad day anyway.
So, I get home and read the back of my receipt with the return policy on it. Turns out that the 90-day return policy applies even if you do have a receipt and obviously, based on my experiences, if the item came off your registry. Am I wrong to think that this is completely idiotic? Some baby items aren't used within the first 90 days, and since most people register a few months before their baby is actually due, how are you supposed to know if you like something and can use it BEFORE YOUR BABY IS EVEN BORN?!
Moral of the story: ALWAYS save your Babies R Us receipts. ALWAYS give a receipt when giving a gift. Return anything you can't use within your baby's first 3 months because if you decide you don't like it later, you can't return it then. In fact, don't even register for things you can't use after your baby is 3 months old because if you decide you want to take it back, YOU CAN'T.
I so badly want to love this store because it is the only place nearby for quality baby goods (except Target, but their selection is a lot smaller and their return policy sucks too), but I can't love it. I can't even like it. I wish I never had to go there again.
And while I'm on this tangent, stores like Gymboree and Children's Place are supposed to be mom and baby friendly too, right? Then make your store big enough to fit a stroller between clothing racks! Ugh!