Happy Birthday to Me!!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
6 Months To Go!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
A Plea for Help!
I need some help. My fiancee (whom I love dearly) ruined my favorite pair of khaki pants the other night. The story is kind of funny...well I guess more like ironic since I am not laughing. It all started after school on Tuesday when I decided that it would be smart to sit in overhead transparency marker. I know...what the heck? Anyway, paranoid that my favorite khaki pants would be ruined, I rushed home, drenched them in Shout (which I love by the way), and proceeded to soak them in detergent for the next 5 hours. Much to my excitement, the stain came out! I asked T to throw my pants in the dryer with his current load. Well, guess what. Someone left a PEN in that load of laundry. When the drying was complete, I heard "Honey, I owe you a new pair of pants." What?! Oh yes, the pants that had been covered in marker only hours before were now (again) covered in ink. Boo! I am so sad! And so this leads to my plea for help.
Does anyone know how to get ink out of khaki pants? I've heard hairspray. Does that work even after the ink has been dried? Can a dry cleaner get it out? I REALLY want my pants back! Please help me!
Oh yeah, and I just spent the last 1/2 hour scrubbing the inside of my dryer (which was covered in ink as well), hoping that this occurrence would not repeat itself with the new load of laundry I am currently doing.
P.S. T, I am not mad. I love you! :)