Brayden is 11 MONTHS OLD today! Can you believe it?! (I can't)
New for Brayden over the past month:
* High fives
* Clapping
* Dancing
* Standing
* "So big" (actually I think he was doing this at 10 months, but I forgot to include it in that post)
* Incessant "talking" - His list of words now includes Dada, Mama, Bubba, Nana, Papa (but only occasionally), no no, ni ni (night night), ball, and I swear a few times he's said "key key" (kitty kitty). He sounds like he is talking in complete sentences a lot of the time, it's just unfortunate that no one understands a word of what he's saying!
* Pointing at objects that he wants
* Occasional signs for "all done," "milk," and "more" - we're still working on this; I was much better about sign language with Logan, but Brayden's starting to pick up on it too
* Teeth #5 and 6 - he now has 4 on top and 2 on the bottom
* Walking holding onto a moving object or holding our hands
* No more baby food! He's eating all table food now. I find that I rely on many of the same foods to give him because they are small or easily cut up. I try to rotate them the best I can, but I just don't feel like I'm giving him enough variety sometimes. I'll take any suggestions for easy-to-manage finger foods. He tried a lot of new foods this month - too many to remember!
* Falling asleep by himself, and as a result, sleeping better throughout the night and later in the morning. This was a HUGE accomplishment this month!!
* Eliminating our 3:30 nursing session, which was MUCH easier than I thought it would be. I've cheated a little bit and started him on whole milk already, but just for this one feeding for now. We are still nursing 3 times a day - morning, lunch, and bedtime.
He's such a happy little baby, and I'm shocked that he is going to be a year old (and no longer a baby) in just four short weeks. For those of you with only one baby, just wait until you have another - time flies so much faster with the second I think! I can't imagine how quickly it would go with a third or fourth...and NO, this is NOT in the works for us!
I feel like I included a huge mix of this month's pictures in my other posts, but here are a few that I didn't include and some from our monthly "photo session" this morning.
When he can't reach something he wants, he has started climbing to get it.
Walking...we're so close!
Sharing a popsicle with Logan
Just cute!
The theme of the month was SWIMMING...and lots of it!
11 months old!