Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Logan is 2 and A Half!

I'm a little behind with this post, but things have been pretty hectic (just for a change).  I simply cannot believe that my little boy is now closer to being 3 than to just being 2.  For some reason it seems to me that there is a huge jump from 2 to 3.  And don't even get me started on the jump from 3 to 4 that I know is soon to come!  

The bottom line is this...Logan is so. much. fun!  Yes we have our moments of frustration where we see the worst personality traits of both Mommy and Daddy rearing their ugly heads in the form of a too-cute-for-words little boy.  But we try not to focus on those too much :)  Logan is an absolute, non-stop bundle of energy.  He is go, go, go from the moment he wakes up until the moment his head hits the pillow at night.  He is curious.  He asks lots of questions.  Lately these questions tend to end with the word "Mom" instead of "Mommy," which breaks my heart just a little because it's just one of many signs that my little boy is growing up way too fast.  Though he won't always admit it, he loves his little brother.  He is really starting to enjoy having a playmate.  Logan is starting to understand sharing.  For now, sharing means that he gets to use anything that's Brayden's ("Bubba will share with him Mom") but not necessarily the other way around.  We still call him Bubba, a nickname that I'm thinking is going to stick around for quite a while.  This is still how he refers to himself 99% of the time, and I'm okay with it because I think it's adorable.  He does know his real name!  He speaks in complete sentences, and often it seems like we are having a conversation with a teeny tiny adult.  He uses words that I think are sophisticated for a 2 year old, such as probably, either, supposed to, and some others that aren't coming to mind right now.  He is hilarious.  He makes us laugh all. the. time.  Logan is very into matchbox cars, trains (especially Thomas), and sports (football, basketball, soccer, baseball, and especially hockey and golf lately).  He still loves books.  He watches way more TV with Papa than I would ever let him watch during the day, but I do see evidence that he's learning from it.  I'm pretty sure he sticks to the Nick Jr. shows, his favorites being Dora, Diego, Team UmiZoomi (my personal favorite because it's about math), and Bubble Guppies.  He loves his Papa, and we feel really blessed that he is able to have that bonding time with him every day.  

Here are a few pictures that I've taken of Logan lately.  I've been really bad about taking pictures of both kids lately because I've just been sick of being cooped up in the house and taking pictures of them playing in our family room...boring.  Also, Logan is going through this phase where he wants to make a goofy face every time I ask to take his picture (if he'll even let me take it).  See below :)

When we visited the pediatrician last month for his 2 and a half year checkup, we ended up having to follow up with Toledo Hospital for a pediatric echocardiogram.  Logan had a heart murmur when he was a very young baby, and we had to have an echo done then too, but they said everything was normal.  I always ask about it when we go for his checkups, and usually our doctor says she doesn't notice it.  This time she did, and she told us that normally she would have waited until he was 3 to have another echo done, but since he was so good for her while she examined him she thought he'd be fine to have it done now.  And he was.  We went early one morning, and Logan was a hit.  All of the nurses thought he was hilarious, especially because he kept asking for a sucker!  He laid very still and was perfectly behaved throughout the whole procedure, and he got his sucker at the end.  Luckily everything came back normal again, so we'll just have to keep an eye on it in the future.  We feel very lucky.  

I love this little boy.  I love watching him learn, grow, and explore every day.  He is amazing, and I'm so glad he is mine!