What?! Where has the time gone? I can't believe it has been three months already, but at the same time I can't believe it has only been three months. I feel as though this little piece of perfection has been a part of my life forever. I honestly can't remember what it was like to only have one child. And forget about memories before kids altogether!
Brayden has become such a joyful addition to our little family. He is such a happy baby, though he is sure to let you know when he is not. He loves to be held, which is completely my fault, but I don't care. I've adjusted. You'd be amazed at the number of things I can accomplish with a baby in one arm. Yes, I know a baby carrier would be easier, and I actually have one and a Moby wrap. But for the most part, it's easier to just pick him up and carry him around with me.
Brayden's current loves include watching his big brother, laying on his belly in the Boppy pillow, the swing, looking in the mirror, sticking out his tongue, staring at his hands, grabbing at things (especially my hair), drooling (everywhere), baths, cooing, smiling, and laughing. My favorite is when he's sitting on my lap and I take his hands and "clap" them. Gets him giggling every time!
We are still nursing, which I am absolutely thrilled with. At this point with Logan I was nursing only in the morning and pumping the other four feedings (his reflux made it hard for him to nurse - not sure why). Brayden has reflux as well, but not nearly as bad as his brother. He is on medicine, which seems to be working. I hate the thought of giving my little guy so much medication at such an early age, but he definitely needs it. I even tried weaning him off it last week to see if he was ready, but now we're back on.
As of last week, Brayden was sleeping through the night nearly every night - going to bed around 8 and waking up around 7. The last few nights he has been waking up again, but I'm not surprised because if there's one thing I've learned about this little booger, it's that he is inconsistent! Naps are a struggle. More often than not, Brayden sleeps in the swing, which I hate. I've made it my goal for my Christmas break from school that I'm going to get him napping in his crib! He'll do it now, but he only sleeps for about 30 minutes at a time. I've been there, done that, and I know it will even itself out in the long run. I'm NOT stressing about it (well, trying not to).
Logan seems to be adjusting to being a big brother, though he definitely has his moments. It really was rough hitting those terrible twos right at the same time he became a big brother. A day without a complete meltdown is rare these days, but we're dealing. I attribute a lot of that to needing more sleep than he's currently getting. Since I've gone back to work, Logan has been waking up 1-2 hours earlier than he was before, so he's pretty tired by the time I get home (lucky me). He already goes to bed pretty early (7:30), so I'm not quite sure how to remedy this problem. He needs to learn the meaning of the words "sleep in!" We are trying to introduce the concept of sharing, and it's not going well. He wants everything we try to give to Brayden and refuses to share anything at this point, especially the Bumbo chair! When he wants to be, Logan is a wonderful big brother. He's great at getting Brayden to stop crying. All he has to do is lay down next to him or make a funny face, and Brayden starts smiling again! Logan gets diapers and Brayden's pacifier when I ask him, and he even wiped drool off Brayden's mouth the other day. He's my little helper!
Brayden had a wonderful first Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to experiencing my first Christmas season with two little ones to buy for and the coming months when I will get to see my boys start to play together!
A few pictures (I've been HORRIBLE about taking pictures since I went back to work):