Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I think fall is a great time for learning experiences for little ones.  I have a number of things on my mental list of what I want to do with Logan this fall, but it seems like the opportunity for each one keeps coming and going without us being able to participate in any of my much-anticipated activities.  A new baby and an uncooperative husband don't help - I'm just not up for doing many of these things on my own with two little ones.

Disappointment #1 - I wanted to take Logan to the apple orchard.  Todd scoffed at the idea, so we had plans to go with friends.  One group of friends was planning to go the day of Logan's birthday party, so we had to pass on that invitation.  Then we planned to go last weekend, but the weather and a changed work schedule kept us from going again.  Now their fall festival is over and I've heard there aren't usually many apples left to pick at this point, so scratch that one off the list.

Disappointment #2 - Last night was the Rossford Fire Department open house.  A friend of ours is a firefighter and told me about it this weekend.  I know how much Logan likes the "woo woo" trucks and enjoyed getting to sit in them at the pancake breakfast this summer, so I really wanted to take him.  It went from 6-9, which wasn't the most convenient of times, but I wanted to try anyway.  Well, my in-laws stopped over, dinner was later than planned, and a slow-poke nursing baby all contributed to us not being able to go.  By the time we finished with dinner it was time for baths and another nursing session before bedtime snuck up on us. 

Future Must-Do #1 - Fleitz pumpkin farm.  We did this with Logan last year, and I loved it (so did he)!  I've already got a few mental dates planned out for this one, so I'll make sure we don't miss out. 

Future Must-Do #2 - Little BOO at the Zoo.  This is a fall/Halloween celebration at the zoo geared especially toward preschoolers.  It's the Thursday and Friday before I go back to work, and I'm planning to take both of the kids (by myself because God forbid Todd go to the zoo) on Friday because we have doctor's appointments on Thursday.  I hope the weather cooperates.  If not maybe we'll shoot for Pumpkin Path over the weekend.

Future Must-Do #3 - At least one Toddler Time at the library.  I got a call last week that they are starting up again.  They have two programs - one at 6:30 on Tuesday nights and one at 10:00 on Wednesday mornings.  Logan loved going this summer, so I really want to try to take him again.  Not sure if evenings or mornings will be better, but soon I won't even have an option :(

Fill In The Blank

________ drives me crazy!

Unmade beds drive me crazy!  I've been thinking about this a lot lately since I'm actually home to see our unmade beds on a daily basis.  Logan's gets made after his nap, which I'm okay with...at least it gets made.  But with Todd working nights and sleeping during the day, our bed never gets made except on Sunday when I change the sheets.  I hate it - it makes me feel sloppy.

Now it's your turn.  Fill in the blank.  Leave a comment - I'm curious.