Friday, January 29, 2010

New Look

I can't take credit for my blog's new look, so I figured I should give it where it's due.  I got the template and the banner from an adorable little website called The Cutest Blog on the Block.  It's great, it's easy, and you don't have to be artsy to use it (phew)!

Milestones and Memories

Stolen from Happy Hopefuls :

1. Who was your first prom date? 
Jason Vdovick.  We were friends, but at the time he liked another girl.  He ended up spending the entire prom night talking to/dancing with her, and I was stuck with her date, whom I didn't know.  Awkward!

2. Do you still talk to your first love?
Every day.  He's my husband :)

3. What was your first alcoholic drink?
Milwaukee's Best "Premium" Beer - yuck!  I got wasted on 2 1/2 beers, cops showed up at the party, we got away, and then I drunk made-out with hottie Bill Schuckman.

4. What was your first job?
gymnastics coach

5. What was your first car?
1995 Plymouth Neon - dark green

6. Who was the first person to text you today?
No texts today.  I'm pathetic!

7. Who was the first person you thought of this morning?
Logan.  First today and every morning.

8. Who was your first grade teacher? 
I can't remember if Mrs. Turner was first grade or Kindergarten.  Shoot!  I should know this.

9. Where did you go on your first flight in a plane? 
San Francisco, CA

10. Who was your first best friend and do you still talk? 
Melissa Jones.  We are friends on Facebook, but we don't talk.

11. Where was your first sleepover? 
My friend Jessica's house

12. Who was the first person you talked to today? 

13. Whose wedding were you in for the first time?
Sarah's, and it was a blast!

14. What was the first thing you did this morning?

15. What was the first concert you went to? 
Boyz II Men with my sister, my friend Lindsey, and my dad.  Wow!

16. First tattoo?
Don't have one

17. First piercing?
My mom's rule was I had to be 12.  I thought I was so special because I got them pierced three days BEFORE my 12th birthday.  Then my mom struck a deal with my sister and let her get her ears pierced only a few months after me.  She was only 9!  Grr!

18. First foreign country you went to? 
Mexico, then Canada, then Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and France

19. First movie you remember seeing? 
Pinnochio.  I was about four or five, and I remember we got to the theater late.  I was terrified that there were steps in the aisle and I was going to fall in the dark.

20. What state (province) did you first live in? 
South Carolina

21. Who was your first room mate? 
Technically my sister when we had to share a room for a few months in between houses, but other than that it was Kelley Jardine in college, and it was not a fun experience!

22. When was your first detention? 
Um, when I was the detention monitor my second year teaching.  Never served one.

23. When was your first kiss?
Embarassing, but I'll admit senior year in high school (and he was a sophomore).  Oh man, I wonder if I'll have any friends left after they keep reading how pathetic I am.

24. What is one thing you would learn, given the chance? 
How to be a really great photographer

25. Who will be the next person to post this? 

Hmm...if I have to guess, I'd say Casey.

Don't Mind vs. Don't Want

WARNING:  I am hormonal, and I am venting.  Read at your own risk.

1.  Laundry
2.  Cooking dinner
3.  Changing diapers
4.  Doing dishes
5.  Emptying the dishwasher

1.  Walk around the entire house picking up dirty laundry so I can wash it.  We have a laundry chute - it doesn't get any easier.
2.  Hear criticism of a meal BEFORE any other conversation.
3.  Change every single dirty diaper that occurs while both parents are present.
4.  Take dirty dishes off the counter (that don't belong to me) and put them in the dishwasher.
5.  Empty the dishwasher after it sits for two days because I asked someone else to empty it.  Next time I won't use the phrase "If you get bored, you could..." when asking the dishwasher to be emptied.

This post will be followed by "TOP 5 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT MY HUSBAND" on a day when I'm not feeling hormonal and don't need to vent.  Sorry honey!

Monday, January 25, 2010

You're Going to Laugh

First, a question:  Is it weird for your child (read: 16 month old) to see you naked?  I say no, Todd says yes.  Thoughts?

Next, the story:  This morning as I was getting ready for work, Logan was in and out of the bathroom as usual.  As I just stated, I don't think it's weird for my little boy to see me naked.  We do it all the time, and to me it's just a learning experience at this point.  So anyway, this morning I was changing my shirt, and as I was doing so, Logan looked at my bare chest, pointed, and said "BALL!"  I died laughing and so did Todd when I told him.  Oh, to have the mind of a child again...

PS - These are (regretfully) not my boobs, but I wish!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Logan and Sophie

Here's how this relationship works - Logan loves Sophie.  Sophie hates Logan.  It's sad really.  He gets so excited whenever she is around, and all he wants to do is play with her, he just doesn't really know how yet.  He's not gentle at all - something we will definitely have to work on before the baby comes.  He loves to scream at her and pull her tail, ears, paws, anything he can grab hold of.  She will tolerate him for about a minute, batting at his hand when he tries to touch her, but after a minute she gets annoyed and starts biting.  I've taught Logan to tell her "no" when she bites, which is really quite funny.  He shakes his index finger at her, yelling "no no no no!"  Then Sophie runs away.  His favorite is to torture my poor kitty while she's trying to eat.  I hope someday my little boy and my kitty will get along!

He's coming...and she knows it!

Uh oh, he's going in for the grab!

He's got her, and she's pissed!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Family Update

A lot has happened in our little family since the start of the new year.

Pregnancy Update:
Though we found out about our second baby before Christmas, we waited until the holiday to share with our families and then waited until the new year's celebrations to tell our friends.  Since then we've pretty much told anyone and everyone.  I haven't been feeling that great, but I don't know how much of that is actually due to being pregnant.  I had the stomach flu for an entire week, which happened to overlap into returning to school after the holiday break - not so much fun!  Then I felt better for a few days and caught a pretty bad cold.  I'm not a wimp when it comes to colds, but not being able to take anything definitely makes it harder and the biggest issue is really just the lack of energy I have right now.  Speaking of which, that lovely bout of complete exhaustion we all get to experience during our first trimester has hit and hit hard!  Phew, it is rough when you have a 15-month old running around.  When I was pregnant with Logan, I would come home from work, watch some TV, and fall asleep on the couch for about an hour almost every day.  Well, there's no sleeping on the couch with this one!  So I have been trying to go to bed earlier, which is difficult now that my shows are back on!  Overall I really don't have any pregnancy complaints at this point.  I went to see the nurse on Tuesday - she took my weight, which was exactly what I weighed pre-pregnancy with Logan.  A little disappointing considering I had lost SO much after having him, but I'm really just glad I don't weigh any MORE than I did before Logan.  I gained 26 pounds with him, we'll see how much this baby brings.  She gave me my official due date, which is September 1st.  Two September babies - I am so lucky!

Logan Update:
My little mini-Todd is growing up so fast!  I was just telling my mom on the phone last week that I feel like he has grown up more since his first birthday than during his entire first year!  I know this isn't the case, but the changes he's been going through lately are so drastic!  I can hardly believe he has been walking for almost six months now!  I can't even remember what it was like before then.  He has started talking and he tries to say almost everything we say.  In my opinion, I'm probably the only one who can understand most of his talking, but it's exciting nonetheless.  Some of his favorite words are wreath (even now that they are put away he still says it every time I open his blinds), kitty, cookie, light, milk, baby, love-love (which is his little cow blanket buddy he sleeps with), ball, touchdown, baa-ball (basketball), vroom vroom, read (woo hoo, I'm happy about this one!), shoes, and of course mama, dada, and Mol (Grama and Grampa Lawniczak's dog, Molly).
Some of Logan's current favorite toys are the laser pointer we bought for the cat, any ball he can find, his electric guitar, books, his basketball hoop, the lids from my pots, empty pitchers, and the cat (who HATES him).  He loves to dance and has recently started trying to sing.  We've yet to get either on video  but are hoping to capture it soon!  He knows almost every body part he has including hair, ear, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, arm, finger, leg, knee, toes, bottom, and of course his boy parts!  He can throw and catch a ball most of the time.  Recently he learned how to climb onto the bed in our guest room, so now I frequently find him jumping on the bed when he disappears.  He goes up and down the stairs with absolutely no problem, which can be a pain sometimes.  We don't keep our stairs gated because the only gate we have bolts into the wall (see previous post about issues with Babies R Us) and we didn't think that would be a good thing to have up with our house on the market.  He now knows how to open doors as well, so that's going to warrant a trip to Target or Babies R Us very soon to buy child-proof doorknob protectors.  He keeps me busy, but he's at such a fun age.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Officially Announcing...

Logan is going to be a big brother!!!

Happy New Year everyone!